Joy ~ Just Offer Yourself

Joy, you know that overwhelming, your heart’s going to burst, lighthearted blessing you get when……..

You fill in the blank

For me, it’s when I see a child’s eyes light up, a smile spread across their face, hear laughter fill the room, and know that in that very moment I am making a difference; whether it be a small, happy memory that they will look back on later, or act of kindness that will change their life forever. 12794600_10208878182535179_7966875090910767471_n

This week our church, Iglesia Olas de Gracias (Waves of Grace Church), is hosting an Eggstravaganza at the neighborhood park. We will be having an Easter egg hunt, game booths, races, cake walk, food, and a puppet show telling the Easter Story. Please pray for the success of the event and that the families know that the reason we are here is to share the love of Jesus.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” ~ Mathew 19:14

We would love for you to be part of our ministry here in Cozumel. First and foremost we need prayer. Second, if you live here and would like to volunteer to help man the game booths, food booth, or setup and tear down, please email me at Image

If you would like to help financially, we need to purchase candy for the Easter Eggs, prizes for the games, hotdogs, chips and drinks for 300 people. You can donate directly to 7dayheromexico by clicking on the link below.


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