
Eric and Gia Lucy are Christian missionariesIMG_6122 through 7 Day Hero to Cozumel, Mexico. They are working with the orphanage on the island, Ciudad De Angeles, teaching the children to build a sustainable fruit and vegetable  garden.

Just outside the gates of the orphanage is Las Fincas, a community of 5,000 people – mothers, fathers, grandparents, and many, many children. They live in houses built from sticks, tar paper, wooden pallets and sheet metal.IMG_5514 They live without running water and electricity and in the “hungry months”(September and October when the cruise ships aren’t stopping in Cozumel) they often go with little or no food. The Lucys have a heart for these beautiful people. They are working to build a sustainable community garden where they will teach  composting and the raised garden method planting. The long term goal is to build a palapa and playground, where the community can receive tutoring,  host church services , farmer’s markets and learn to make jams, syrups and pies from a local fruit marakuya (passion fruit) to sell as a new commodity to visitors to the island.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. I love your blog and wondered if you would ever have time to personally chat with me regarding Cozumel. My family of 6 is looking at purchasing a business on the island. We have children ages 11 months to 18 that will be moving with us. We also love God and feel like He may be leading our family there. Please email me and let me know a good time I could phone you. I am a big ball of nerves and would really appreciate your view of Cozumel. Thank you for all the great articles! Kristi Sinnott- Charlotte, NC 704-502-6835

    • Hi Kristi,

      Thank you so much for your message. I apologize for my tardy reply. We were back in the states for 8 months and I didn’t look at my blog at all while I was there. We are now back in Cozumel and I just sat down to start writing again. Please feel free to call me any time to chat about Cozumel. You may already be here by now, and if so, I would love to meet you. My phone number is 949-395-2878.

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